‘Diddy Reyes & The Lovebitez Feat. Lady Fox’ Diddy Reyes & Lady Fox peninsula based Blues and jazz performers have spent much of the last 3 years trailing around the country with their intimate soulful swagger
If vintage music creating a lot of attention and being labelled as Melbourne’s sexiest blues duo. ‘were all about putting the energy and soul into our performances. That’s what the greats did and that’s why their songs are timeless, people want to feel something, and we do. We want to produce the feelings that move us musically. Calling on greats such as Nina Simone, Bessie Smith. Koko Taylor.
We want to capture that Feminine energy that’s so potent it makes you move all over. It only made sense to do it with an all Female backing band The Lovebitez. We brought together some of the most talented young ladies we knew, a year has gone by now and the Lovebitez have galvanised in that time creating a super powerful force of jazz and blues influenced groove that has has been capturing the essence of what soulful music is all about. We feel it. And we love to see people feeling it too. The way blues should feel.
Feb 28 Rosebud hotel
March 7 Red Hill Show
March 14 transport bar fed square
Good Friday Kids day out Melbourne exhibition centre
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