We are pleased to report that our AGM on 30 October was overwhelmingly positive and we now have a ten-strong, full capacity committee with active office bearers.

Firstly a sincere thanks to Robin Griffiths our outgoing President having served and led the Network for the past 3 years, supported by John Nolan as Secretary who has served for the past 5 years. Both have worked tirelessly and have notched up some important milestones for the Network, most noticeably the 2023 Music Industry Day. The committee is thrilled that John and Robin have agreed to remain on the committee.

We welcome a new set of faces as well as some returning favourites to the 2025 Mornington Peninsula Music Network committee.

President: Alan Long (Promoter – Rock Academy/RAWKUSLive)
Vice President: Max Clarke-Stringer (Musician – Bloody Norahs/Sound Engineer)
Secretary: Megan Pennicuik (Musician – Still Race)
Treasurer: Chris Davies (Musician – Still Race)
Committee: Marnee Wills (Event Organiser – Friends of Coolart)
Natasha (Tig) Lieschke (Musician – Tig)
Tom Millington (Musician/Producer/Music Therapist)
Mary Josephine Hanly (Musician – Anything But Mary)
Robin Griffiths (Promoter/Presenter – Music on the Hill)
John Nolan (Musician – Westernport Regional Band)

Please welcome your new committee and support them in their efforts to advocate for and support our local music scene.

You can contact the Committee via email on [email protected]